This is How We Roll


Let’s go

This isn’t some lame webinar training session.

This unprecedented guidance, support and network horsepower involvement ACTIVELY working with you to drive more business success across the full range of YOUR operations.

How the Catapult System Works:

Every month a new topic. Every month new experts, implementation guides, accountability touch points, networking opportunities and unprecedented support. Different members of your team invited too.

(Examples Below)

  • M1 - Generating Demand

    Implement a full demand gen architecture for your business from rethinking targeting to putting in place the tech, pipes and AI practices that will ensure constant revenue streams.

  • M2 - Strategic Planning

    Having no plan or a plan that no one can see is a death blow. Put in place a vision and plan that everyone can understand and rally behind for maximum speed, buy-in and growth.

  • M3 - Recruiting & Hiring

    With success comes the need for talent. Recruit like a pro using different resources as you scale and drive candidates into a best practices hiring process that will only produce the best fit candidate every time.

  • M4 - International Economics

    List your COGS and OPEX and methodically transform every line item with resources and an oversight system that could dramatically lower your cost. This is a strategic weapon.

Taught By The Best

The fast train to success is NOT being a sharp entrepreneur doing your best. It’s adopting best-in-class systems and processes from those who have hit the pinnacle success in that specific part of business.

EPX Masters are the best of the best. Period.

You will get valuable guidance, hard core tactics AND real life implementation plans to speed results and from a support structure that can assist and deliver along the way.

You are not alone. We’re going to evolve your business together.

Operationalizing AI Everywhere

This a new era of business and your company is either going to disrupt others or be disrupted by another mastering the use and deployment of AI.

There’s not a single job or process that shouldn’t be leveraging Artificial Intelligence throughout. This network is on the frontier of its application, even inventing AI applications defining the future for all business.

And you’ll get the benefit of all of it. Including your own AI Management team.

Accountable Action

Each month follows a weekly game plan that you can consume with the 1,000 other things pulling at your time. Depending on the topic, you’ll bring team members to learn and implement that capability.

  • You gather the right team members for the topic and circle-up online for two 2-hour blocks of deep instruction. We’ll start with breakthrough results from previous month. Then instruction and breakout groups. Afterwards you are given implementation plans to carry forward.

  • EPX check ins with your team for assistance and ensure you are on the right track.

  • While implementation continues, you’ll connect with the other CEOs in your circle to discuss breakthroughs, barriers, etc. Your team will have access to expert office hours too!

  • Bringing changes to a close, EPX checks-ins with your team for any assistance, sharing breakthroughs from other groups, and bridging your team to other resources who can continue to support.

The EPX Align Platform:

 The EPX Align Platform is a peak performance application around emotional intelligence that helps everyone at a company achieve peak results.

As each functional topic is implemented, Align enables each team member to achieve their desired mindset which can be invested into improving business systems.

It helps teams create an immediate awareness of undesired mindset patterns and quickly transforms the entire group into establishing desired company mindset patterns that will have them thinking, communicating, collaborating and achieving results.


Peer CEO Circles

As an EPX Catapult Member, you’ll be introduced to other CEOs in an NDA-level circle where you all share the same business model (B2B, B2C Ecom, etc.) but have different strengths in skills.

This will allow you to develop relevant trusted relationships and to share best practices in any aspect of business as you continue to evolve your business forward.


The Bottom Line.

This is for you.  This is for your team. This is for your success and future.  And there’s nothing like it.

Any single component can provide a massive ROI - more revenue, more productive/happier employees, a new outsource partner that performs, constant differentiation driving more interest in your offerings.  

This is the power of EPX - an entire network here to take your business and your success to the next level.   And we will.

Invest in Yourself, Invest in Your Business.

Let’s Grow Your Business Together.